Haddi said what?!?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Computing...and funny words

What a riot! Haddi's Uncle Martin bought her her very own laptop computer so that when we are all sitting around working on our laptops, she can too. She calls this "playing c'pewter". A few weeks ago, she was working away on her laptop and suddenly answered her fake telephone. She picked it up and said "Hello, Valerie Thompson." Which is exactly what I say when I answer the phone!

It's funny when she can't quite get her mouth around bigger words. She loves to use them though. She's very cute when she says 'ridiculous' (re-dickle-us) and 'unfortunately' (un-fudge-a-lee) and the most recent one was this:
We were in the kitchen and she kept pointing to the counter saying she wanted 'carrot beaners'. I could not for the life of me figure out what 'carrot beaners' was. I kept saying 'we don't have any carrots honey'. She just kept saying CARROT BEANERS more loudly and more clearly. Finally I saw the Pirates of the Carribean fruit snacks she and her daddy had just purchased. She was trying to say Carribean.
Honestly - what two year old uses the words Carribean, unfortunately and ridiculous?


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