Haddi said what?!?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Here's the Deal

Well - they say kids pick up everything (scary thought) but the other day, Patrick was making Haddi pancakes on our griddle in the kitchen. She was making an argument that pancakes were taking too long, so therefore she should be allowed to have some Hello Kitty fruit snacks prior to the pancakes. Patrick was telling her no, and some negotiating was going on when Haddi said "Dad - here's the deal. I'll have the fruit snacks and then the pancakes." It was all he could do not to burst out laughing!

You see - the 'here's the deal' part comes from Dad himself. He's always saying "Haddi - here's the deal, if you do this then we'll do that...etc.) Too funny. Especially funny if you could have heard the inflection in her voice (just like Daddy's) and seen the hand jesture (just like Daddy's).


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