Haddi said what?!?

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Ok - here' s a few new cute things she's doing.

Whenver she leaves the room, she announces what she's going to do and adds "I'll be right back". So cute and grown up.

She told me today that she could go to the bathroom all by herself (on another floor at the Dr.'s office) She's two....such an adult.

Tonight when I was putting her to bed, she gave me a big hug and kiss and said "Mom, I'm so glad you're here". Awwww - breaks your heart!

The Easter Bunny is in the forefront of her mind these days for some reason (replacing Santa just recently). She is always telling me that the Easter Bunny did it!

Today, she had along telephone conversation with "the Beast" from Beauty and the Beast (movie). It goes like this "Oh, HI Beast - whatcha doing? Are you dancing with Belle? In the castle? OOOOhhh, that's great!" Hilarious.

This morning when I got her out of her bed, she was sitting up against the headboard, with piglet tucked in beside her on the left and her lamb mom & baby (they are attached to each other) tucked in on the other side. She says to me - this lambie is a mama - here is her baby, and I am the lambie's mama, and you are my mama! (see picture above)

I have this terrible cold and every time I cough, she says "You need a little water, you just cough and cough and cough!"

Ok - that's it - time for bed!


  • At 11:05 AM, Blogger Scooter Thompson said…

    Well, I am the doting Uncle, so, of course I am biased, but those are some of the cutest and funniest little stories I've ever read! Haddi is such a doll! I loved the story of her telling her mom that they will be able to read a book when she's done working on her computer in 1 minute. Hilarious!

    As for the phone conversation with the Beast the other day, well, let me also add that the other day, when the Beast was at my house in Seattle, Haddi phoned to talk to him. And, he is a very loud Beast, in case you don't know that, so I asked him to please go downstairs so he wouldn't disturb my work. Anyway, so apparently he made up a song for Haddi. I don't know all the details, just that he likes to make up songs with lots of rhymes, like "Haddi, you're so darn cute, bananas are your favorite fruit, dancing's lots of fun, underneath the sun, Beauty and the Beast". So, anyway, a few minutes later, he came running up the stairs very sorry. Apparently, Haddi did not like his song. She told him his song was "weird." The Beast got his feelings a little hurt because he knows that the only other "weird" song Haddi knows is the one Snow White sings on the Princess Songs DVD, and he knows how she feels about Snow White--she doesn't like her. At all. Anyway, I calmed him down, and tried to remind him that Haddi is only 2.5 years old. He feels better now, but I don't think he'll be making up any more songs for a while.


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