Haddi said what?!?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

What a difference a year makes...

Can you believe that the little munchkin looked like this exactly 1 year ago? She was just crawling up and down the stairs (now she goes up in the middle of the staircase, refusing to hold the hand rail ("Don't Worry Mommy!") and takes one step with each foot, one right after the other). She was just getting to where she liked a bath - now I can't get her out of the tub. I still got to pick her clothes, so they usually were at least in the same color family. She never, ever told me no....(wow, times have changed!) She also let me hold her while I read the bedtime stories.

Of course, she also didn't say "I love you" spontaneously at the appropriate time so you know she really means it. She didn't go and get her own diaper, she couldn't help with the laundry, and she didn't sing complete songs yet.
Ahhh...times, they are a-changin' (for the better of course!)


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