Haddi said what?!?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Computing...and funny words

What a riot! Haddi's Uncle Martin bought her her very own laptop computer so that when we are all sitting around working on our laptops, she can too. She calls this "playing c'pewter". A few weeks ago, she was working away on her laptop and suddenly answered her fake telephone. She picked it up and said "Hello, Valerie Thompson." Which is exactly what I say when I answer the phone!

It's funny when she can't quite get her mouth around bigger words. She loves to use them though. She's very cute when she says 'ridiculous' (re-dickle-us) and 'unfortunately' (un-fudge-a-lee) and the most recent one was this:
We were in the kitchen and she kept pointing to the counter saying she wanted 'carrot beaners'. I could not for the life of me figure out what 'carrot beaners' was. I kept saying 'we don't have any carrots honey'. She just kept saying CARROT BEANERS more loudly and more clearly. Finally I saw the Pirates of the Carribean fruit snacks she and her daddy had just purchased. She was trying to say Carribean.
Honestly - what two year old uses the words Carribean, unfortunately and ridiculous?

Well, what do you say???

This morning, we were all lounging around on our bed upstairs when Haddi turned to me and said "Mom, would you like to cuddle with me?" I replied with an enthusiastic "YES!" and she put her hands on her hips, got this little grin on her face and said 'Well then, what do you say?!?"

Umm, uhh....please?

Too funny. We're committed to this idea that we will not raise an impolite child so we are very conscious of the way she asks for things and how she responds to us and others. If she forgets to say 'please' then I put my hands on my hips and say "Well then, what do you say?". If I ask her a question like "Would you like more milk?" then she is supposed to respond "Yes, please." rather than "uh-huh, or yeah" If she doesn't, guess what - I put my hands on my hips (so I'm told) and say "Well then....."you get the picture.

Here's the Deal

Well - they say kids pick up everything (scary thought) but the other day, Patrick was making Haddi pancakes on our griddle in the kitchen. She was making an argument that pancakes were taking too long, so therefore she should be allowed to have some Hello Kitty fruit snacks prior to the pancakes. Patrick was telling her no, and some negotiating was going on when Haddi said "Dad - here's the deal. I'll have the fruit snacks and then the pancakes." It was all he could do not to burst out laughing!

You see - the 'here's the deal' part comes from Dad himself. He's always saying "Haddi - here's the deal, if you do this then we'll do that...etc.) Too funny. Especially funny if you could have heard the inflection in her voice (just like Daddy's) and seen the hand jesture (just like Daddy's).

Friday, June 23, 2006


Ok - well this is a blurry picture, and I'm the queen of the blurry picture...Haddi is so grown up these days it's just amazing. As I type this, she's hanging off my arm "I want to see myself" and when she saw the picture she said "That's me pretending...I'm wearing green pants."

So, here she is looking like a miniature teenager lounging on her armchair watching TV. So cute!

Today while we were eating lunch at a restaurant, she picked up the coffee mug and wanted her milk in it. So, we poured some milk in and she drank it from the coffee cup. Then she told the waitress really matter-of-factly that "When I was a tiny baby, I used to like coffee, but not any more. Now I just drink milk." So - that imagination is working over time. (For those of you dialing social services...no, she has never had coffee).

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Proof is in the Pudding!

Well...we all have those moments where we're not watching our kids as well as we should. I knew she was safe in her high chair and wouldn't be able to get into too much trouble. She was happily eating her pudding and then I hear this squishy sound and Haddi says "Ahh - lotion". You see, she loves lotion and loves to be grown up and get it herself and smear it all over her hands, arms and face. Oh well - they say chocolate is good for the skin...right?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

What a difference a year makes...

Can you believe that the little munchkin looked like this exactly 1 year ago? She was just crawling up and down the stairs (now she goes up in the middle of the staircase, refusing to hold the hand rail ("Don't Worry Mommy!") and takes one step with each foot, one right after the other). She was just getting to where she liked a bath - now I can't get her out of the tub. I still got to pick her clothes, so they usually were at least in the same color family. She never, ever told me no....(wow, times have changed!) She also let me hold her while I read the bedtime stories.

Of course, she also didn't say "I love you" spontaneously at the appropriate time so you know she really means it. She didn't go and get her own diaper, she couldn't help with the laundry, and she didn't sing complete songs yet.
Ahhh...times, they are a-changin' (for the better of course!)