Haddi said what?!?

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Grocery Store!

Haddi loves to go to the grocery store. For Christmas, Santa brought her her very own shopping cart - just her size! She now shops in the cupboard at home. She is always so considerate as to at ask us what we'd like from the store. I told her I wanted Prime Rib and cereal. Daddy wanted bacon and eggs. Haddi brought back the prime rib (toddler beef stew cups), and also said "I got some fish!" as she held up the bag of goldfish snacks - too funny.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Such a big girl

Haddi is all into being a big girl, and is selecting her own clothes - this outfit leaves a little to be desired. The hair is cute!

My Kitty Loves Me

Haddi is always telling us about her kitty. She especially loves to think of Kitty as a person - you know, one like Santa or the Easter Bunny....one of those kinds of people. She's always telling us that the kitty likes it, or doesn't like it, or is tired, or is fun. It's so cute. The other day, she hurt her arm (just banged it) and I said "Oh, should mommy kiss it and make it better?" Assuming this was the be all, end all answer (at least for me it was), I leaned down to kiss it. She jerked it away with big tears and said "NO, Only the Kitty can kiss it!" She went over to the cat, nuzzled her (which she calls CUDDLE) and held her arm out to the cat. Funny thing is, Kitty kissed it. Big smiles all around.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Ok - here' s a few new cute things she's doing.

Whenver she leaves the room, she announces what she's going to do and adds "I'll be right back". So cute and grown up.

She told me today that she could go to the bathroom all by herself (on another floor at the Dr.'s office) She's two....such an adult.

Tonight when I was putting her to bed, she gave me a big hug and kiss and said "Mom, I'm so glad you're here". Awwww - breaks your heart!

The Easter Bunny is in the forefront of her mind these days for some reason (replacing Santa just recently). She is always telling me that the Easter Bunny did it!

Today, she had along telephone conversation with "the Beast" from Beauty and the Beast (movie). It goes like this "Oh, HI Beast - whatcha doing? Are you dancing with Belle? In the castle? OOOOhhh, that's great!" Hilarious.

This morning when I got her out of her bed, she was sitting up against the headboard, with piglet tucked in beside her on the left and her lamb mom & baby (they are attached to each other) tucked in on the other side. She says to me - this lambie is a mama - here is her baby, and I am the lambie's mama, and you are my mama! (see picture above)

I have this terrible cold and every time I cough, she says "You need a little water, you just cough and cough and cough!"

Ok - that's it - time for bed!

There was blood at 'Noodles' :-(

Two nights ago we went to Haddi's favorite restaurant in the whole world (her request) 'Noodles'. This is Haddi-speak for Country Buffet (where they have good noodles...). After the meal and the hand washing to remove ice cream and gummy bears from the face, fingers and hair, Haddi slipped in her pink cowboy boots, smacking her face on the floor (somehow...who knows). Her teeth cut her upper lip and blood was everywhere all over her face, all over me, our clothes, etc. It was truly one of the most terrifying moments of my life and I'm still not over it. She had a bit of a fat lip for 1 day, and now it's all gone. So sad! She's fine, but wow - I'm not!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Easter Pics

Easter at Grandma Alix's - playing with Gage's remote control Jeep!

These are a little out of order...these are Easer pics

Hunting Easter Eggs at Home Sneaky Easter Bunny!

Mommy's little helper!

Haddi is a busy busy little girl. She is always wanting to do the things Mommy does and always wants to "help you". She's very big on "I do it all by myself". Here are a few funny pics of Haddi being a grown up housewife! Doing the dishes, doing the laundry, etc.
(Ignore my messy house please - I have a full time job, a business AND a 2.5 year old "helper"...it's amazing it's not knee deep around here!)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Future Rock Star?

May 14, 2006
Today, we had a rousing round of Guitar Hero - a video game that both Rick and I are addicted to. It's played with two controllers that are shaped like guitars and the general premise is that you're playing notes of rock songs...it's really fun! Today, Haddi got into the act as well - what a ham!

New Potty Chair!

Well - big happenings in the Thompson household....the purchase of the new Princess Potty (complete with Princesses Jasmine, Ariel the Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Snow White) had created quite a stir.

As soon as Haddi began to use it she said "Mom, do you want to take a picture of me using my new potty?" Such a smart little kid! I guess I've been overdocumenting this whole thing!!

Today is Mother's Day and Haddi (with her father's help) selected (some time ago) some beautiful white gold hoop earrings. We went to brunch with Rick's mom and sister and had a fun time. Best of all I got to spend it with my family....no one could ask for anything more!

We've also had a few little issues today - with the addition of being able to go to the potty whenever she wants, comes the desire to rip off her clothes at any given moment. We spent a lot of time trying to get clothes back on her today, but I guess that goes with the territory!
She's a peach!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Angel or Not?

We are constantly telling Haddi what a wonderful kid she is - after all - it's true! I always tell her that she's Mommy's Angel. One day Haddi was coming down the stairs in a new pretty pink dress on her way to a birthday party and her dad said to her "Wow, you look so pretty, you're just a little princess!" Haddi replied "Dad, I'm not a princess, I'm an Angel!"

A different evening when putting her to bed, we were in that mode of "I need to have my Elmo sleep with me", "I need water", "I need to kiss daddy again", "I need my Sesame Street blanket", etc... And after about the 5th request, I sighed and said "Ok - no more, we're going to bed now." Then I was giving her a kiss and telling her she was my angel, and she got this sly look on her face, grinned really big and said real serious "No mommy, I'm a handful." (she was right!)

Sometimes when we tell her she's our little angel she says - NO, I'm not an angel, I'm a girl!

Nemo lives no more

Haddi & Daddy had lunch with Grandma Alix one day last week - Grandma Alix works in a big office building down in the Denver Tech center and her boss (who is very fancy) has this amazing salt water fish tank in his office. At one point he had all of the fish from the Finding Nemo movie (Nemo, Dory, Gill, etc.) Haddi is, of course, enthralled as Nemo is one of her very favorites. She has a Nemo purse even. Well, this last time, Nemo wasn't in Grandma's bosses fish tank. Apparently he had jumped out and was no longer among the living. So, my darling daughter gets home from her day long adventure with daddy and she's telling me all about what she did that day. Then, she tells me sadly, "Nemo commit suicide".

Huh? So funny - I guess that was the consensus on how Nemo died....very cute!

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Tea Party

For Grandma Liz's birthday, the girls took her to a tea party at the Briarwood Inn. We had fun finger foods, dessert, 'delicious' soup (according to Haddi) and a very fun time. Pictures attached. So cute!

May 12, 2006

Well, it's been a while since our last post....mom and dad have no excuses....just busy!
My newest funny stuff is:
Delicious! When I get something good to eat. I love to eat 'quesadilla at 'Potle' (short for Chipotle), and broccoli soup at 'noodles' which is Haddi-speak for Country Buffet (her favorite restaurant.

Last week we had a round robin of family members watching Hads (dad's nickname) during the week as mom, dad & uncle Martin all had a conference to attend. Auntie Arianne took Wednesday and had a grand time playing with Haddi - although she was a bit of a handful since she was getting a touch of a cold.

Grandma Louise took Thursday and took Haddi to lunch with her daughter Michelle and Michelle's son Logan who is just a few months younger than Haddi. She talked and talked about her "macaroni and cheese at Applebees" (she takes particular pleasure in this since it rhymes).

Grandma Alix took Friday and Haddi talked and talked about all the fun stuff they did - read books, walked around the block, played with all her toys, watched the princess video, etc.

Haddi had tons of fun and everyone else is pretty exhausted.

She's saying such grown up things now...Today she was playing on my laptop and said to me "Mommy, we can read that book as soon as I finish my work and I'll be done in one minute." Hmmm. wonder where she heard that from!

She also told me that when she gets and owie, the Easter Bunny is the only person who can kiss it to make it better. Mom had to explain that the Easter Bunny gave her and daddy some special kisses to hold on to until Haddi needed them for her owie. She seemed to accept that.

Last night while I was putting her to bed, she took my face in her hands, kissed me on my forehead and said to me "Mom, you're a good mom". So cute - you see I always do that to her and say "Haddi - you're a good kid". Funny what they learn.

We went to the grocery store this evening and a lady in the parking lot was waving at her and making a funny face at her, and Haddi waved back and said to me "That lady waved at me...That's a nice lady." So mature!

She also told me "Mom, your eyes are green today." We're always telling her that her eyes are green.

Haddi had an early evening tonight - feel asleep in the middle of her scrambled eggs dinner in her high chair...awwww...soo cute!