Haddi said what?!?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Almost 3 going on 15!

Yes, Haddi will be 3 years old in November, so she's almost three. However, she certainly seems more mature than that to us! Case in point - yesterday when we went to Xpedx (paper store), she said to me as we were walking into the store "Mom, I'm assuming we're here for paper?" I'm assuming - I mean really - what almost 3 year old talks like that? She also said to me the other day - "I was walking down the street with PinkBear (her favorite) and then SUDDENLY, a car came along!". Suddenly - too many bedtime stories I guess. Lastly, the funniest was that she said to her Grandma Liz "Grandma, come out to the bench with me...we need to have a discussion." Hmm... a discussion. So - she's like a little miniature adult sometimes - it freaks us out!


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