Haddi said what?!?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tell me the whole story....

What is this face? I think this is a 'dirty' version of "Mommy's favorite face" which is a funny Haddi pouty face....anyway......

Today at Sam's club, Haddi was riding around in the cart and satisfying her endless curiosity about anything and everything by asking me an endless stream of questions. Although I'm all for furthering her 'eduction' about all things retail, I must admit I do get a little tired of this game after the 5000th time I'm asked Why the Cheerios package is yellow.... So, I respond with 'because it is'. Haddi replies (loud enough for everyone near us to hear) "MOM, Tell me the WHOLE story, tell me EVERYTHING". Somehow she thinks I'm keeping the secrets of the good folks at General Mills and wants to be sure I don't skip any parts. This exchange was met with many snickers and 'aw isn't she cute' comments. Go figure......

Later today we were going to eat dinner and we turned into the Perkins parking lot. Haddi said to me - "Mom, can't we go to the blue one?" I didn't know what she was talking about so I set upon convincing her that eating at Perkins was the be all, end all of dining experiences and she kept saying "no, the blue one is better". When I asked her what she meant by "the blue one", she said - "You know, it's across the street from Applebees". Yes, she's right - the "blue one" across the street from Applebees is an IHOP! Pretty aware for a kid who is not 3 years old for another few months. She amazes me - I don't think I even knew that the IHOP was across the street from the Applebees. Hey - she's cool!


  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger Scooter Thompson said…

    Yikes, that's a very cute face. Is that chocolate?

    The Cheerios(R) box may be yellow because white was taken by Corn Flakes and General Mills wanted it to stand out? Not sure. I should know this, but I don't. I'll research it maybe some time in the future! LOL


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