Haddi said what?!?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Angela Landsbury

Ok - this one requires some explanation....Haddi and her parents play this game all the time. We ask her where everyone in the family was born, where they live now, what their first name is, what their middle name is, etc. We haven't played in a while but Haddi really remembers this stuff. Her memory is waaay better than mine and I'm always surprised that she remembers so much of what goes on around her. So, Haddi's middle name is Angela after her great grandmother on Rick's side.

When we were playing the game in the car on the way home, we got to "What's Haddi's middle name?". Haddi said "Angela Landsbury". Which made me laugh outloud. How does a little kid even know anything about Angela Landsbury?? Then it came to me....

Uncle Martin made Haddi this really cool CD of her favorite music from the Disney movies. He did the CD like a radio show (This is Uncle Martin coming to you live from KHAT (her initials) Radio in Firestone....) and he introduced each song. Haddi is infatuated with Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Guess who sings most of the main songs in that movie? You guessed it - Angela Landsbury. Amazing!

Tell me the whole story....

What is this face? I think this is a 'dirty' version of "Mommy's favorite face" which is a funny Haddi pouty face....anyway......

Today at Sam's club, Haddi was riding around in the cart and satisfying her endless curiosity about anything and everything by asking me an endless stream of questions. Although I'm all for furthering her 'eduction' about all things retail, I must admit I do get a little tired of this game after the 5000th time I'm asked Why the Cheerios package is yellow.... So, I respond with 'because it is'. Haddi replies (loud enough for everyone near us to hear) "MOM, Tell me the WHOLE story, tell me EVERYTHING". Somehow she thinks I'm keeping the secrets of the good folks at General Mills and wants to be sure I don't skip any parts. This exchange was met with many snickers and 'aw isn't she cute' comments. Go figure......

Later today we were going to eat dinner and we turned into the Perkins parking lot. Haddi said to me - "Mom, can't we go to the blue one?" I didn't know what she was talking about so I set upon convincing her that eating at Perkins was the be all, end all of dining experiences and she kept saying "no, the blue one is better". When I asked her what she meant by "the blue one", she said - "You know, it's across the street from Applebees". Yes, she's right - the "blue one" across the street from Applebees is an IHOP! Pretty aware for a kid who is not 3 years old for another few months. She amazes me - I don't think I even knew that the IHOP was across the street from the Applebees. Hey - she's cool!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Family Dinner

Once in a while - every few weeks, the Thompsons try to get together for 'family dinner'. Can you guess who the focus is?

Can I take a message?

Haddi loves to play 'office', especially while Mommy is working. Here, she has the phone pressed to her ear, paper on the floor and pen in hand. She says "I'll take your message" then proceeds to write as if she is taking a message. It's too funny. She also knows my phone number strangly enough...(free-oh-free, seven-oh-nine, eight-free-eight-one).

Uncle Martin's Tired!

Haddi and Uncle Martin love to dance! This one is a polka I think. After it's all over, Uncle Martin is TIRED! The best part about this picture on the right is ...look how happy Haddi is that she wore him out!

Pigtails and "The Swiffer"

Here is another cute hair day - the pigtails are sooo long! She is using the swiffer in the kitchen to 'swiffer the floor'. We have no idea how she knows how to do this - it must be ingrained behavior, not learned because she's certainly never seen me use the swiffer on the floor! haha!


Haddi loves to "shop" in the refrigerator. It's just been recently that she could open it herself. I came around the corner into the kitchen the other day to find the refrigerator door hanging wide open for lord knows how long. So, if we are all hospitalized for food poisoning, consider yourselves informed.

Reading and more funny words

This is such a wierd picture - it was taken with Haddi lying down in her bed by her mother who was standing up - hence the wierd angle.

However, I went into her room in the morning to see why she was still asleep and guess what, she wasn't! She was happily reading a book to her bear whose name is 'Smile'. I love the intent look and the crossed legs to provide a platform for holding the book. Crazy kid!

Her funny words of the moment are Commode Control (remote control), although some might view the TV on par with the toilet....and the lead character in the CARS movie Limey-the-Queen (Lightening McQueen). Too cute!

Haddi the Helper

Haddi is a very good help around the house. She helps with everything really. Laundry, dishes, cleanup, and here, picking out napkin rings in preparation for setting the dining room table. Auntie is directing, but Haddi is definitely running the show!

Haddi & Chalk Elmo

During one of his times baby sitting little Miss Haddi, Uncle Martin and Haddi had a 'school day'. They had music class where they played the piano (electronic and regular), spelling class where they played with the ABC magnets on the refrigerator, reading class where they read books (along with other students, the Cow, the Bear called Justabear, and the Bear called Idunno). And, of course, no school day would be complete without art class. So - outside they went with the chalk. I think that Uncle Martin did a pretty decent job of portraying Elmo and Big Bird here on the driveway. Haddi then laid down to 'hug Elmo', and UM snapped a picture. So cute!

Cutie Patootie

These are two of my favorite pictures of Haddi, and as I see them side by side I realize that the expression on her face is pretty much the same. Not really sure what she's thinking, but it's clearly pretty deep. It's also funny to see this picture on the right with the fake tatoo on her forearm. At first I was like "what is THAT..."

The Phone

Haddi's Uncle Martin recently bought her a Minnie Mouse phone that slides open like a regular cell phone and it's become the thing that she can't leave the house without. She has endless pretend conversations on it mostly with Belle & the Beast and Cinderella. The latest goes like this:
"Hi Belle - it's Haddi. Whatcha doin? Are you dancing with the beast? That's Great!! I'm excited because I'm going to the park with my bear. You Can? Really?? (putting the phone on her shoulder to talk to me) Mom, Belle and the Beast will meet us at the park!!. (handing the phone to me) Tell Belle where to go. (So I too get to have fake conversations with fictitious Disney characters...then when I hand the phone back to Haddi). No, I'm too busy right now, I have too many things to do.

The whole thing is pretty funny and people do double takes because she really talks like she is upholding one side of the conversation. Hilarious (one of her favorite words of the moment).

Cute Hair Day

Ok, I've been remiss about my postings. Here are a few of Haddi's "Cute Hair Days". She's just a doll in the little braids (taken by Grandma Alix at her house) and in the curly pony tail. She loves to have all the girlie stuff going on like hair, clothes, makeup, etc. Very fun!