Haddi said what?!?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Grown up stuff

Haddi is only 3 years old. Ok, 3 years and a couple of months. She just says the funniest things sometimes, so I'm documenting them here. I read in a book that by age 3 she should be able to put together sentences of up to 4 words. (haha - give me a break, she's been using pronouns correctly since 20 months!) These are EXACT quotes folks - no adding words or cleaning up the kid language - this is the actual stuff she says.

'realize' - Haddi says to me the other day "Oh mom, I didn't realize that daddy took the truck to my store today."

"actually" - Upon being asked if her daddy could have one of her nachos at lunch "No, I'm actually going to eat them all. So sorry."

"afraid not" - I'm always saying things like..'Is it time for bed? I'm afraid so." So after Haddi went to the bathroom all by herself (ALL by herself, leaving me out in the hallway to wait with anticipation) I said to her "I can't believe you're such a big girl -you're all grown up!" Haddi replied "Well, I'm afraid I'm really just a little kid."

"discussion" - Upon being told for the 1000th time to not talk with her mouth full of food, she replies (with a mouthful) "I know dad, we had a discussion about that earlier today."

'supposedly' - Earlier this week Haddi was frustrated with us and our lack of response, she rolls her eyes and says "well, supposedly we're going to lunch." Sarcasm from a 3 year old.

'suddenly' - I think too many books have led to the use of this phrase. She will be telling you a story like this: "We were driving down the street going to my store AND SUDDENLY (pause for effect) we turned right." (big grin)

"I understand" - Often when reprimanding Haddi we feel the need to explain the punishment then ask if she understands. She is a very logical child so we've found that 'NO' accompanied by the reason for the 'no' is more effective than the 'no' by itself. So the other day I said "Haddi, please stop jumping off the couch, you're going to get hurt." Haddi replied (with a big grin) "I understand mom, but I don't want to stop!"

Gimore girls references - The Gilmore Girls is Haddi's favorite TV show - it's not a kids show, but she's loved it since she was one year old. She knows all the characters and fully believes that these characters exist as people in the fictional town of Stars Hollow where they live on the show. The other night when I was putting her to bed, she rolled over and looked up at me and out of the blue she said "Mom, I think I'm ready to go on the Gilmore Girls." I laughed and said "Oh really - would you be Rory or Lorelai (two main characters)." She said "Mom, I'm Haddi - I'll just be a regular person who lives in Stars Hollow. I think I'm ready."
Today at lunch she was asking us what we used to call her when she was a little baby. I told her all the nicknames we had for her, then she wanted to know what our nicknames were when we were babies. I said that Uncle Martin called her daddy P.J. She thought that was very funny and reminded me that ":Luke's sister Liz has a husband called T.J. (characters on the Gilmore Girls) and that is sort of the same as P.J."

Funny little kid!

Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly lolly lolly...

On a particularly difficult day where we were riding around in the car most of the day, Haddi asked if we could stop for candy. She had been so good all day in the car that of course, I said yes. Little did I know that she'd pick candy as big as her head. She selected this lollipop which I mistakenly called a sucker only to be corrected by my daughter with "MOM, it's a lollipop - not a sucker!" I'm sorry to say I still don't know the difference. Here she is in mid-lick. You can't quite see that she's blue from ear to ear and nose to chin - we had a bath shortly afterwards. Oh well - she loved it!

The Dora Bathrobe

So for Christmas, Haddi's Grandma Alix gave her a hand made Dora the Explorer fleece bathrobe. Haddi says "OOOoohhh, it's sooooo soft!" Grandma thought it would be worn more as a housecoat, over the pajamas, but Haddi likes to wear it after getting out of the bath (preferably with nothing on underneath because it's sooooo soft). So, grandma had to add a belt for tying the robe closed so we don't offend the neighbors. She is so cute in it and she just loves it because it keeps her "sooooo warm"!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bathtime for the Princesses!

So as I'm writing and updating Haddis' blog, she is playing in her room which is connected by a Jack & Jill pass through bathroom. So she wants to empty out her aquarium toy and change the water and "feed" the fish so I said fine. She then goes downstairs to get her princess figurines so they can all help her change the aquarium water. OK fine. So then I hear splashing and I turn around to see what's going on and she has the sink full of water, a bar of soap and all the pricesses in the sink. I asked what she was doing and she said that the princesses needed a bath. I asked why and she said, "Well mom, they have to be clean to go to the ball!" Funny kid.

Haddi & Daddy play checkers

Fun at the Cracker Barrell! Haddi won....I think....

Haddi the Mermaid!

Not the greatest quality pictures, but here is Haddi on her very first day of swimming at the pool. She stayed in the shallow water but did go down the slide several times. She was just darling in her little Elmo swimsuit and had such a great time. We went in the evening and the very first thing she said to me when she woke up the next day was "Is the pool open today?Can we go swimming mom" (so much for good morning mommy!)

Haddi & Logan off to School!

This is an older picture I just came across. Haddi and her cousin Logan are at gymnastics class together and they're sitting in the "school bus" (Haddi let Logan drive....) and they're off to school! Very cute!

Where's Haddi?

Haddi loves to play her own version of Hide & Seek called "Where's Haddi?!?" So, as you can see (barely) she is snuggled down in the corner of her room next to Penelope (the GIANT pink dog) among a bunch of her stuffed animals. The only reason we saw her is the long hair snaking over Penelope's side!