Haddi said what?!?

Monday, October 30, 2006

No dad, that's not going to happen.

So Haddi loves, loves, loves to use the phone and she often calls her favorite people (actual people) - Daddy and Uncle Martin and Auntie. She was talking to her dad, and her end of the conversation was going like this:

"Ok...Uh huh... that sounds like a good idea..." Dad was saying that he would go to the Red Box (the movie machine at McDonalds) to get a movie, and she and mommy could go home and get dinner started. Haddi replied..."No dad, that's not going to happen." (then I hear laughter coming through the other end of the phone). Too funny!
(sporting the new Mermaid hat purchased by Uncle Martin on a recent shopping trip)

Pumpkin Patch - Chapter 7 (last chapter!)

Way back in the day, Daddy and Uncle Martin used to do 'spin art' as their final activity at Elitches before leaving for the day. Haddi made some 'spin art' for her final activity at the Pumpkin Patch. For those of you that are unelightened, you drip different paint colors down onto a piece of paper that is spinning around and it makes a neat design. It occurs to me as I see this picture that you can't really even see Haddi in this picture - you can barely see her head and her little hands, but she's wearing this paint covered smock so she just blends in. Anyway- she loved it!

Pumpkin Patch - Chapter 6

Ok - here is a picture of Haddi and Sophie riding the flying plane ride. Haddi had such a great time!

Pumpkin Patch - Chapter 5

Here's Haddi riding the "Pig Train" with Pink Bear - her very best friend (and sometimes sister). She is very careful to always administer to Pink Bear's safety first, carefully strapping her into the seat with the seat belt and kissing her on the head. She then gets in, straps herself in, fastening her own seatbelt, and proclaims herself ready to go! Little Mama - so cute!

Pumpkin Patch - Chapter 4

Talking with Grandpa, Face Painting and the Horse Carousel.

Pumpkin Patch - Chapter 3

The Hay Maze was very fun - Logan and Sophie are in the background - we're not sure who is going the right way and who is going the wrong way!

Pumpkin Patch - Chapter 2

Ok - so this is the big slide - no the really big slide, no the really really really big slide. That tiny little speck over to the left is our daughter - all 30 lbs of her. She was CONVINCED that she could do this (all by herself) and somehow managed to convince us of the same. You know what - she was right! She had a blast but her parents are still recovering. The feeling of sheer powerlessness stays with us as we look at this picture. Dad is in the picture for scale purposes - as you can see, it's a REALLY big slide.

Pumpkin Patch- Chapter 1

Well, we recently went to the pumpkin patch with Grandpa and Grandma Lousie and had loads of fun. Louise's girls and their kids were also there (Logan and Sophie who are pretty close to the same age, and about 5 mos younger than Haddi). They had great fun doing all of the fun stuff. Here's Haddi caught mid-air in the bouncer.

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Haddi recently unearthed this Santa hat from last year and was happily dancing and singing around the house about Santa Claus coming to her house. She's so cute (and soooo terrified of Santa in person). I asked her if maybe this year we could take her to the mall and she could sit on Santa's lap so we could get a picture. She looked at me (horrfied) and said "NO - No way". So - I guess we're hoping for 2007!

Sleeping Beauty...erh...Dora

So Haddi is all grown up now and got a brand new sheet & comforter set for her big girl bed. They, of course, are of her favorite character of the moment, Dora the Explorer. She was so excited, she took them out of the package, spread them out on the living room floor, got "into bed", tucked Pink Bear (aka Pinkie) into bed with her and promptly went to sleep! She was so cute, I let her sleep on the floor (for 2 hours). However, my little darling has very sensitive skin and the sizing in the sheets gave her a rash on her cheek for 3 days! Oh well- she's unbothered by it and the picture certainly is cute!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sorry, we're in a hurry...

One day, Haddi and I were doing a lot of running around, errands, dropping off, picking up, shopping, etc. and all day long I was saying to her - we have to go, we're in a hurry. Let' s go, we're in a hurry, etc. So that night, one of the endless streams of little kids that ring the doorbell this time of year (new library, new uniforms, field trip to the zoo, space camp, you name it - they're selling candy for it). ANYWAY...a little boy came to the door selling (what else?) candy and Haddi listened to his whole spiel then said "I'm sorry, we're in a hurry, we have to go now" and tried to close the door. Hilarious - we're going to give all the telemarketers to her from now on. (By the way - we did buy some candy!)

Cute pics of our day

Our cousin Celeste recently took some great pics of Haddi. We were hoping for more posed shots, but with a 2 year old, you get what you get. Some of them turned out really cute, so I've put a few here!

The 'grown up' socks

Haddi is into all things adult these days and so when she saw an opportunity to put on mommy's socks, she took it. (Yes, ok I admit it, they were on the family room floor...) She then paraded around saying "look at my grown up socks"! She's very concerned about growing up and is sure that she's old enough to do almost anything (drive the car, cross the street, go to the grocery store alone, etc.) Very funny and challenging - we may be in trouble folks.....

Nap time

Well, it's been a while since Haddi has taken naps during the day. She's not much of a sleeper (gets that from her daddy). She told me the other day that she and Giant Dora needed to take a nap because Giant Dora was "so, so tired". So on our bathroom floor, she carefully laid out two pillows, two blankets, and set them all up. She's even closed her eyes in pretend sleep for this photo. Such a ham!