Haddi said what?!?

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Well - Santa was good to me this year. Auntie, Uncle Martin and Grandma Liz were all there for the actual day. Grandma Louise & Grandpa Dan were there for Christmas Eve (more presents), and Grandma Alix & Grandpa Jim came on the 23rd (more presents)...you get the idea....

Friday, February 10, 2006

Tonight we all met Auntie for a little dinner (Uncle Martin, Mom, Dad) I had Ron-Che-Cheese, although I am now calling it Mac and Cheese like a grown up. I am developing a cold although I am still as cute as I can get. Tonight the Olympics started in Italy...go USA! Uncle Martin and Daddy are getting ready to go to Texas to find houses for Mommy, and to get Colorado Thompson off of the ground.

The funny story for the week.....
Mommy offered me an apple slice with some yogurt on it, I said "no Mommy you eat it" (the yogurt)...then took the apple slice and said to Mommy "But thank you for asking"

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

opening info

This is just a place for the people that know Haddi to get some updated info, funny things that happen, etc. We will try to get things here as fast as we can but she is growing and learning faster than even Val can type. Think about it...in the first two years you learn how to walk, talk, eat, dance, (poopie in the potty!?!), just think what we could accomplish if that learning curve continued on into the teen years....just think about it.